New app uses artificial intelligence to block pornography
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A Texas father has developed a new app the uses artificial intelligence to detect pornography on computers, tablets and smart phones.
The new Canopy app, developed by a Grapevine, Texas, firm utilizes artificial intelligence that can detect pornography and nudity with 99.7% accuracy. It also scans internet traffic in real-time, allowing the service to block pornography that other filters miss, The Christian Post revealed.
A key difference between Canopy and other services, Clifford said, is that the program focuses on prevention — not just accountability. Canopy not only completely blocks pornographic websites, but it also detects and censors nudity and “minimal clothing” on individual photos and videos on popular apps like Instagram, Facebook and even TikTok.
“It used to be sufficient just not to go to the bad sites,” said Sean Clifford. “But now on Twitter, on Reddit, on all these platforms that are really popular, you can find pornography. We can filter within those sites and pull out the bad from within the otherwise fine [sites] so that you can get the good without the explicit content.”
The software can also be used to block sexting among children and teens. When a child receives a text message with sexual image, Canopy can filter it out. If a child attempts to send a photo of themselves, the service will lock the image and send the parent a warning.
A video on the Canopy website shows how it works. Although it blocks porn sites, it also removes images depicting a lack of clothing. The user doesn’t know the images have been censored.
So, kids have access to just about every non-porn website, but they can’t see questionable content.
Although Canopy claims to be able to identify Internet porn, youngsters today have figured a way around almost every blocking software on the market.
They do that by simply loading photos and videos onto a thumb drive, viewing the images and deleting their tracks with simple apps like CCleaner and BleachBit. Because the content is accessed without the internet, the internet blockers don’t even see the activity.
Now, if someone would create a filter that uses artificial intelligence to detect nudity on the computer screen, then alert parents to the activity, perhaps, kids would be safer.
Yet, because most children and teens prefer smartphones to computers, Canopy can work to help parents keep their kids safe.
For more information, visit www.canopy.us.